
Pepper Landson Life Coach

How we show up to our life is usually how we show up to our horses.

Due the special nature of equestrian sports, deficits in leadership skills can become liabilities in horse-human dynamics.

Whether you have a competition goal or just want to create a truly satisfying and sustainable partnership with your horse, adding coaching can make a tremendous difference. Coaching sessions occur out of the saddle and on the phone. If desired, it can be done with the collaboration your current trainer.

Developing leadership skills improves the relationship with your horse and translates to improvement in all aspects of your life.

Trainers we already collaborate with:

· Linda Hoover – www.foundation2success.com West End, NC
· David O’Brien – USEA Certified Eventing Instructor (Level IV), Southern Pines, NC

CLICK here to schedule a free introductory session.